When it comes to surface finishing there are many advantages of powder coating over other coating methods e.g. liquid paint.
- A powder coated surface is a long lasting, high quality finish, offering a much more durable, scratch and corrosion resistant coating in comparison to other finishes. In addition, there are many colourful and varied effects achievable with powder coats which would be difficult to attain using other coating methods;
- Thicker coatings can be achieved using powder coatings without the possible associated problems that fluid coatings may cause, such as running or drips;
- It is much easier to produce a uniform finish on complex shaped objects;
- Unlike liquid paint, powder coating does not require a solvent for suspension;
- No VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) are emitted with powder coats, in fact the whole powder coating process is environmentally friendly and practically pollution free ;
- There is very little waste with powder coating because the overspray may be recycled;
- Powder coated objects can be used for their intended purpose straight after the surface has cooled unlike painted finishes which may in some case take a few days to cure;
In short if you want a tough wearing, cost effective, high quality and environmentally friendly finish that’s ready to work for you , then you need to do it right, so powder coat it.