Powder Coating Motorbike & Car Parts, Chassis and Frames

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If you want to breathe some life into an old motorbike frame, car chassis or engine parts then powder coating is the answer.

Powder coated surfaces offer distinct advantages over painted finishes especially when it comes to the harsh environment prevalent around car and bike parts. For example, if a painted car chassis was exposed to brake fluid, then that brake fluid would damage the painted finish. Comparatively, since a powder coat finish is a chemical resistant finish, the brake fluid would leave no damage. A simple wipe down would do the trick.

Powder coated finishes are also tough, durable, scratch and abrasion resistant which protects your bike or vehicle parts during its normal operational life. A painted finish is more likely to chip or wear over its lifetime on the road.  Both painted and powder coated parts look great when first finished, but only powder coated finishes will retain most of its original lustre over its lifetime.

powder coating motorbike frames Powder Coating Motorbike & Car Parts, Chassis and Frames powdercoating car engine parts Powder Coating Motorbike & Car Parts, Chassis and Frames powder coating chasiss Powder Coating Motorbike & Car Parts, Chassis and Frames

Automotive and motorcycle parts that can be powder coated:

-   Frames and chassis
-   Brake assemblies & brake calipers
-   Forks
-   Bumpers/Bullbars
-   Roll bars
-   Handlebars
-   Racks
-   Suspension parts
-   Rims/ wheels
-   License plate frames
-   Windshield wipers
-   Engine Covers
….. And much, much more

At the end of the day the powder coating finish will only be as good as the expertise and experience of your chosen powder coater. If you want an amazing finish that lasts as long as it should then choose BK powder coating – give us a call